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Master in Pharmacy (Pharmaceutical QA)

M.Pharm (2 years) is alienated in specializations of Quality Assurance.
M.Pharm curriculum is an outcome-focused curriculum designed to prepare students for their future professional Quality assurance in GXP area.
Job opportunities after M.Pharm Quality Assurance in India are adequate. Jobs for M.Pharm Quality Assurance depend on the respective specialization and demand. The students taking the M.Pharm Quality Assurance course route mold a character with the selection and excessive analyzing thereby making them eligible for the profiles for the tedious procedure of selection.The most common M.Pharm Quality Assurance jobs that hire graduates are:
· Quality Assurance Tester
· Quality Assurance Specialist
· Quality Control Executive
· Quality Assurance Manager
· Assistant Manager - Quality Assurance
· Quality Assurance Expert.
Learning Outcomes
As approved by AICTE New Delhi, Govt. of India, pharmacy Council of India, Higher Education, Govt. Of West Bengal Bharat technology Uluberia offers M.Pharm (QA) post graduation course under affiliation of the MAKAUT
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