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Master in Pharmacy (Pharmacognosy)

M.Pharm (2 years) is alienated in specializations of Cognosy.
M.Pharm curriculum is an outcome-focused curriculum designed to prepare students for their future professional Herbal drugs practice.
The M. Pharm. in pharmacognosy course focuses on natural products. The subject is evergreen and offers good job opportunities in many different fields. Graduates can work in clinical hospitals, drug companies, and patents. Some jobs in pharmacology are more gratifying than others. Those interested in becoming a pharmacologist can work in the biopharmaceutical industry, or in the agro, FMCG, or biotech industries. For an overview of these career options, check out the list below.
The list isn't exhaustive but includes some of the best positions. Some of the most lucrative positions are in the pharmaceutical industry. In the pharmaceutical industry, there is a great need for pharmacists. In the USA, Canada, and the UK, there is a shortage of healthcare professionals. By 2020, the shortage of professionals is expected to reach 250,000.
Learning Outcomes
As approved by AICTE New Delhi, Govt. of India, pharmacy Council of India, Higher Education, Govt. Of West Bengal Bharat technology Uluberia offers M.Pharm (Cognosy) post graduation course under affiliation of the MAKAUT
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