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Master in Pharmacy (Pharmaceutical Chemistry)

M.Pharm (2 years) is alienated in specializations of Chemistry.
M.Pharm curriculum is an outcome-focused curriculum designed to prepare students for their future professional medicinal chemistry practice
A degree in pharmaceutical chemistry carries the substantial potential for a career. There are many rewarding industries in the field, with lucrative salaries. It is also important to understand the current needs of the pharmaceutical industry, which is why M.Pharm graduates can look forward to a variety of job roles. They can work in clinical laboratories, business settings, or in the academic arena. Some of the more interesting options include a career in research, teaching, or management.
The government employs graduates through various exams and offers more stability and job security. Salary ranges for experienced M.Pharm professionals can range from Rs 45,000 to Rs 65,000 per month. One of the core career opportunities for a graduate with a master's degree in pharmaceutical chemistry in community pharmacy. This job involves counseling patients on the intake and dosage of prescribed medicines. It requires significant knowledge and skill. While the concept of community pharmacy is new in India, the Indian Government is taking steps to promote this profession.
Learning Outcomes
As approved by AICTE New Delhi, Govt. of India, pharmacy Council of India, Higher Education, Govt. Of West Bengal Bharat technology Uluberia offers M.Pharm (chemistry) post graduation course under affiliation of the MAKAUT
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